Germany, Britain, the USA & early jet fighters


Verified Defense Pro
Germany had the first operational jet aircraft, the ME-262. German turbine design wasn't as stable as technology developed by Brits - not combatible with metallurgical advances of the time. Came along too late in WWII to make a difference and ME-262 was vulnerable immediately after take-off.

Support & funding for British jet engine was lacking until German advances were uncovered. British design was shared with USA & later USSR.


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Why Britian couldnot use the jet engine in its airfighters in world war2?

Why Britian couldnot use the jet engine in its airfighters in world war2?


New Member
Well it did, in the form of the Gloster Meteor but other than that jet engine technology was still not ready for prime time. Take for example the German jets, they were vulnerable in parts of their flight profile and the very short lifespan of engines plus the expensive materials requires meant they were probably not something the Luftwaffe could have done with from a resources and logistics standpoint late in the war.

Jet engines were not really reliable or powerful enough to eclipse top-class piston engine fighters until the end of the 1940s.


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Why Germans used the jet air fighters in world war 2 before USA and Britain?

Why Germans used the jet air fighters in world war 2 before USA and Britain?


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Is that right that germany had advanced technology in jet air fighters than Britain ?

Is that right that germany had advanced technology in jet air fighters than Britain ?


New Member
Why create soo many threads for a subject that is similar? These threads are ruining the 1st page of the Millitary Aviation forum. I hope the Mods do something about this.