Any thoughts about a Naval version of the Asraam missile becoming the new CIWS for Royal Navy vessels. I know that the SeaRam is always mooted but I feel that the UK should seek national solutions wherever possible...Would consider an Asraam system to be superior to SeaRam!!!!!!
In 1998, the BAe considered a navalizada surface-to-air version of ASRAAM called NM-21 (naval ASRAAM initially) for a system anti-missile defense of short reach for the Horizon frigates (now called Type 45). The missiles would be mounted in containers conteiráveis and pointed by the Center of Operations of Combat. It would have an additional booster engine in optional back and TVC for vertical launching. The great resolution and reach of the sensor of search IIR would give capacity to acquire targets the significant distances.
The system did not pass of the phase of studies.
(Translated from portugese)
To supplement the Paams, the Royal Navy plans to deploy an inner-layer missile system. Although a formal requirement for a short range surface-to-air missile has not yet been issued, GEC-Marconi has already announced its proposed solution. This is the Sea Sprint, an eight-round naval launcher for a slightly modified version of the Oerlikon Aerospace Adats missile. The only change to the revised missile is the substitution of a radio frequency proximity fuze in place of the current laser pattern. The new fuze is being developed for Oerlikon Aerospace’s planned Mk 2 version of the land-based Adats system, a variant which also introduces the Multipurpose Adats Console (MPAC) in place of the current radar and electro-optical consoles.
Matra BAe Dynamics is offering two possible weapons. Its off-the-shelf solution is a version of the six-round Sadral naval mounting for the Mistral, but it also plans to offer the NM21 – a proposed surface-to-air version of the Asraam. This would use the existing Asraam missile but with guidance algorithms optimised for the surface-launch role. Shorts, which already offers a three-round Naval Multiple Launcher (NML) for its Starburst missile, will probably propose its Seastreak derivative of the Starstreak hypersonic missile.