F/A-18C "Drops" Bomb on Virginia Beach. "Pilot" or "Equipment" Error?


New Member
I haven't seen this one posted here, yet... and it was only an "Inert Bomb" (nobody hurt) that fell on a building in the resort area.
Knowing people are "looking at" or "Buying" this plane, my question is how will this one be spun?
Pilot? Plane? Ground/Weapons Crew "didn't attach it properly"... and Pilot never noticed the warning lights? "We showed our ability to strike anywhere at anytime, even in a dense population where tourism is/was big...":rolleyes:

We have nukes "mistakenly flown" across country (can't blame "FedEx/Airlines" for not checking cargo), sophisticated Fighters losing there "cargo..."? It's obvious that, "the lights are on, but nobody's home" in some gov't office; I really hope it doesn't take "Jack Bauer & LA CTU" to clean things up.
