it's a damocles sword... Dr Kopp is a mobile ph engineer - and Peter Goon used to chair the DTC (where I was a member for 5 years). Goon also headed ATS before it was bankrupted.
Both were pushing the F-111 and Caribou barrow when I was involved with the AP-3C project - and that was before Adam was banished for eating apples..
Not to put too fine a point on it, IIRC Goon also was served with an AVO for harassing RAAF staff about his ideas for improving the RAAF.
and without wanting to kerb your enthusiasm, the assessment team in RAAF was in far better position to come to a judgement than either Kopp or Goon as they (Kopp or Goon ) don't have the requisite security clearances to see the more important data made available to ADF. I estimate that Goons clearances would have lapsed approx 2 years ago. In light of the AVO he would be highly unlikely to get them back. Goon also had a vested interest in promoting F-111 upgrades as thats what ATS used to do as part of its corporate brief - make submissions on aircraft upgrades so as to generate revenue.
the reason why I add this to the mix is that their history is complicated by prev actions in the past - so they don't exactly have an ideal history to assist in promoting their cause. they're also motivated to a degree by self interest at the commercial level.
be that as it may, I have no doubt that Dr Kopp at least will continue to promote his model of F-111 infusion into the front line and Goon will stay in the background acting like the sleeper catcher in the perennial game of "two up" also known as "refurb the airforce"
There are thus some in RAAF/Russell who clearly think that both would qualify under your "Mormon" definition.