Something I'm very curious about. During the Entebbe rescue operation, Sayaret Matkal deployed vehicles - a Mercedes, a BTR-60 and Land Rovers - from the cargo bay of a moving C-130 for fast access. Did the Israelis pioneer this technique or was the idea taken from somewhere else?
I don't have an easy answer, but I have a question on how you define "pioneering"
Pioneering using a C-130 in a CT role? Entebbe was probably the first use for something like that.
Pioneering in terms of loading vehicle inside a tactical airlifter? That has been going on for quite a while. In WWII, gliders were employed to deliver jeeps, howitzers and other equipment very close to the action.
Since Entebbe, there has been occasional interest for moving wheeled or mechanized forces for aircraft. For a while, US Army Europe kept a company of M113s as a quick reaction force. The Stryker, was, of course, supposed to fit on a C130 (with a waiver) as part of the "anywhere in 96 hours" concept behind the stryker Brigade Combat Team, which hasn't really popped up for a while.