New Member
Hello, I am new here and this is my first post. First I will post a little about myself, and then I will continue with my original post. My name is Seth, I live in Arkansas and am 18 years of age. I recently graduated High School in May '07, and am now a freshman in college getting my Business Degree. I plan on some day going on and getting a degree in either Computer Science and/or Electrical Engineering, and also plan to get my MBA. I hope to someday become a weapons developer, or a defense system developer.
First I have some thoughts about EMP. EMP stands for Electro Magnetic Pulse if I am not mistaken, and when used it can harm/destroy anything electrical to where it can not used. So my question is, since it is a magnetic pulse, and magnets have poles and when put together they either attract or detract based on which poles you are putting together. When the EMP is shot off is this a neutral pulse, or is it either North or South? My question is if it is North of South magnetically, would there be way to inclose vital electronic parts in a neutral magnet casing, have a sensor to detect the type of polarity coming in, and charge the magnets so it can deflect it? I haven't researched EMP that much, so it might not work, but I am just curious.
Also, I am a computer/electronics guy, I build robots as a hobby. I recently built one that has a camera, and it scans your eyes, and which ever way your eyes move it will move the same way. Examples - Eye Up-Robot Forward, Eye Down-Robot Backward, Eye Left-Robot Left, Eye Right-Robot Right. The only problem I have encountered so far is when I cross my eyes, it shuts down. So since I have been planning on becoming a weapons developer some day, I've been thinking of ways to incorporate this into a weapon. So far I've only thought of a helmet kind of like virtual reality, to where wherever you look, the gun points. I've also thought about getting the degree your are looking, and the location of Longitude, and Latitude. I don't know how this would be of any benefit, except maybe the hit and miss rate of a rifle might be lower, I don't know. But leave your thoughts and comments, and suggestions that this robot I have created and the technology of following your eye could be used. Thanks
- Seth Hall
First I have some thoughts about EMP. EMP stands for Electro Magnetic Pulse if I am not mistaken, and when used it can harm/destroy anything electrical to where it can not used. So my question is, since it is a magnetic pulse, and magnets have poles and when put together they either attract or detract based on which poles you are putting together. When the EMP is shot off is this a neutral pulse, or is it either North or South? My question is if it is North of South magnetically, would there be way to inclose vital electronic parts in a neutral magnet casing, have a sensor to detect the type of polarity coming in, and charge the magnets so it can deflect it? I haven't researched EMP that much, so it might not work, but I am just curious.
Also, I am a computer/electronics guy, I build robots as a hobby. I recently built one that has a camera, and it scans your eyes, and which ever way your eyes move it will move the same way. Examples - Eye Up-Robot Forward, Eye Down-Robot Backward, Eye Left-Robot Left, Eye Right-Robot Right. The only problem I have encountered so far is when I cross my eyes, it shuts down. So since I have been planning on becoming a weapons developer some day, I've been thinking of ways to incorporate this into a weapon. So far I've only thought of a helmet kind of like virtual reality, to where wherever you look, the gun points. I've also thought about getting the degree your are looking, and the location of Longitude, and Latitude. I don't know how this would be of any benefit, except maybe the hit and miss rate of a rifle might be lower, I don't know. But leave your thoughts and comments, and suggestions that this robot I have created and the technology of following your eye could be used. Thanks
- Seth Hall