Black Mamba said:
tell me something guys
how come not a single airline ever thought abt removing the life jackets from under the seats and installing parachute packs?
maybe governments could subsidize them or provide them free of cost?
The International Airline and Travellers Association rules stipulate that any aircraft travelling over water has to carry lifejackets.
It would be physically impossible to carry parachutes as well as lifejackets due to a number of issues:
space availability
training issues, you just can train someone to do a parachute drop prior
to every flight
cumbersome. imagine trying to get every passenger to put on a
parachute while they are in a state of stress and panic
universal parachute fit, not possible to accomodate people who are
physically bigger than the average person would require a special chute
I'm sure there are some other issues to contend with, but you get a fair idea of the problems..
So, it's a bright :idea:, but just a bit impractical.