Both shake a vibrate,until they come apart
Why use either one of them.If you had a turbo-fan with zero vibration,that the weight was only 240 pounds,1400 pounds of torque,and it ran on 4% corn whiskey,and 96% bio-fuel.Plus it is 12 cylinders.Now that would be better,because it is a lot more quieter engine.It is in existance,it is called a dyna-cam engine.I am working on a speical proto-type small aircraft.That is one of the engines I will use in my proto-type.It's called the Blue Wasp.It will have speical chameleon skin on it,using pixibots and nanoprobes.The other part of the aircraft,will turn sound into electicity.It does not have to be just in the K-band radio waves .But can use all sounds it picks up.Feeds it back into aircraft,and it can have a 24/7 Batteries fulltime.By turning the bio-fuel into a gel,it is easier to hold.The other fuel is water.By heating up the water into a vapor,then it mixes with Corn whiskey,and the bio-fuel,you a supercharged energy.Where you are burning bio-fuel,whiskey and hydrogen.Anyway the shape of the aircraft is alot better then that space shuttle.I have other inventions on board.Then there is last part,the aircraft is made out of carbon fibers,resins,polymer composite plastics.Between a 100 layers of the composite,will be a film of Bismuth.It has a small resistance against electro-magnetics.It is one way to build a strong electro-magnetic field around the aircraft.In the Future,I hope to take it out in orbit around the Earth.I have come up with a way to cause cosmic rays to spin in a spiral.I called it a electro-magnetic Mirror array.Within a ring ,a supercharged electro-magnetic force field pulls and pushes the cosmic rays in spirals,and also feeding them energyIt becomes a cosmic powered thrust.The Cosmic rays are trying to spin out of the mirror,but the more they try,the more they are feed energy,I call it a Cosmic thrust sail.A super strong magnetic field,can pull energy from moons planets,galaxies or Suns.The magnetic field around the craft is totally protected .So when I can get everything sync,I would like to make a joint -partnership with Honda,who build the most advanced Robot.He will be the test Pilot.Cosmos