soldier technology
29th and 30th April in Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi.
Soldier technology is India's biggest Soldier Modernization event aims at deliberating on modern technology to make Indian Combatant ready for challenges of Modern Warfare.
it covers entire spectrum of Soldier Modernization including: Night Vision, Advanced Weapons, Advanced Body Armor, Battlefield Management System, Soldier Communication System, Helmet Mounted Displays, Infantry Combat Vehicles, Sensors and etc..
Soldier Technology Summit will bring together decision makers who are shaping the modernization of India’s dismounted forces, including top military figures from India’s Infantry Directorate, senior managers from BPR&D, leading researchers from DRDO, procurement and R&D figures from DPSUs and representatives from equipment suppliers internationally. Nowhere else will you get future requirements for infantry and paramilitary modernization programmes
• India’s only dedicated conference on Soldier Modernization
•An ideal platform to penetrate this on-going high-tech Army project- FINSAS
•A dedicated, business focused show where you can network with current and future customers and suppliers.
•The event is jointly organized by Ministry of Defence & Network18 (India’s Largest Media Conglomerate).
•The event is cover the entire spectrum of Soldier Modernization, including Night Vision, Tactical & Secured Communication System, Battle Field Management System, Enhanced Body Armor, GPS System, Rugged Computing, Advanced Combat Simulation & Training.
For more details log on to:
Soldier Technology India
Kindly Contact:
Priyanka Sharma
E18, a division of Network18 Media & Investments Ltd