Defence Partnering


New Member
In announcing the 9th annual event in the highly-rated Defence Partnering series, Defence IQ is building on its strong history of bringing together the key players from national MoDs and the international defence industry, who will be on hand to analyse the best ways to increase levels of performance for your new and long-term strategic partnering projects. While the long term benefits of partnering are now accepted, the best methods of implementation, the future roadmap for MoDs around the world and the best examples to learn from are all issues that remain undecided. In just two days, you can find the answers to your most pressing concerns, including:

✓ How MoD’s view of partnering is evolving and what does MoD expect from its industry partners?

✓ What tools and techniques are available to enhance your existing partnership agreements?

✓ How can lessons learned from current success stories be applied to your own projects?

✓ How can more effective partnering help you to deliver capability in less time and below budget?

✓ How can you ensure a longer-term partnership survives changes in personnel and associated cultural shifts?

Make the most of your annual opportunity to learn from, and network with, international military and industry leaders at the forefront of successful partnering initiatives by reserving your place today. To receive £350 off the main conference registration fee, reserve your place before Friday, 30th July, either by calling +44 (0)20 7368 9300.