It seems as though the DD(X) has been reduced to a technology demonstrater. I understand the reason for this is due to its extremely high cost. There are also unconfirmed rumors that the CG(X) has been completely cancelled. I don't know what the plans of the navy are but they still will need replacements for the Ticonderoga cruisers, OHP frigates, and some of the older Arleigh Burke destroyers. The navy wanted a too much from the DD(X) and this showed up in its $3.2 billion price tag. One of the requirement included dominence of littoral waters. It seems as though the navy wanted too much too fast. Going from the Burke to DD(X) is like going from the wright flyer to an F-86. DD(X) was supposed to have a new hull shape, new radar system, new command and control system, totally new gun system, and a completely new propulsion system. First off there is no need for the littoral capability as that is being covered by the LCS. One of the great features of DD(X) was to be able to provide the Marines with fire support. I believe that there needs to be a stealthy platform fitted with the advanced gun system that can serve as off-shore fire support and be equipped with the Aegis system. Its main mission purpose should be similar to that of the Burke. Nonetheless it should be a deep water ship designed to be part of a carrier battlegroup or an amphibious assault force. Either way the navy cannot have a do-it-all ship. Its too expensive. In regards to CG(X) again if capabilites could be reduced and have the ships be able to fulfill only a few of the necessary missions for maintaining a bluewater navy rather then fulfilling all of them these ships will be more affordable and still be able to maintain sea dominence.