
New Member
As much as bullets or body armor, rations or radios, an army needs water to survive -- especially when it's fighting in the blistering heat of an Iraqi summer. But hauling a soldier's daily requirement of three to four gallons of water has become a gargantuan burden to U.S. armed forces. So Darpa, the Pentagon's mad science division, has come up with a plan for thirsty GIs: Cut the amount of the water they're carrying in half, and pluck the rest from out of thin air.

Even in the parched Mesopotamian desert, the air holds plenty of water. The trick is getting it out. Machines have been around for years that can cool the air down to the point where water droplets will condense like dew beading on an oak leaf. But they're energy hogs, using almost 650 watt/hours just to get a single quart of H20. The goal of Darpa's Water Harvesting program is to extract that water without using up so much power.

That would make a huge difference to troops stationed in the Middle East. "With the temperatures in August soaring well above 125 degrees (Fahrenheit)," writes Chief Warrant Officer Gordon Cimoli, a Black Hawk helicopter pilot who served 10 months in Iraq, " water is life."

My Wired News article has details.

THERE'S MORE: Several military bloggers who are currently on duty in Iraq (or who served there recently) weighed in for this story.

"I know myself during July, the hottest month here, I drank about 10 liters a water a day. I got so sick of water I asked family and friends to send Koolaid or lemon-aid drink mix so I stand to drink that much water," says Cpl. Michael Whitney. "If you didn't start drinking water first thing in the morning you would start feeling symptoms of dehydration by 11 am."

But for Whitney and his fellow soldiers at Camp Cooke, there's some relief: "a swimming pool that opened up in June, which was a welcome activity for a lot of us wanting to escape the heat of the day."

Pools or no, Sgt. Chris Missick notes, "this is an extremely hot region though and hydration is essential, it really can be life or death. Any device that would make it possible to endure less of a burden in transporting liquids and yet enable soldiers to retain the necessary levels of hydration would be invaluable."

But Marine reservist Daniel Amster is skeptical. "The last thing I want to do is to carry that amount of weight on me, and depend on it for water, and have the thing not work. If that happens, then the supposed 'gain' of not carrying as much water for the operation is lost because now I do not have enough water."

"The Darpa experiment should be tried but in conjunction with present water sources as to not bring the supply down," agrees Spc. Ernesto Haibi, a medic serving in Mosul.

"We didn't have a tremendous number of heat casualties this summer," observes one blogger currently in Iraq. "[But] the ones we did have were mostly due to soldiers not drinking the water they had, rather than not having enough water. Which just proves the old axiom 'You can give a soldier water but you can't make him drink.'"


New Member
I thought US military has a massive logistical capability.
I never thought they cannot provide enough water for soldiers.

But i saw many times in T.V US soldiers drinking mineral water.


New Member
Well, they're thinly stretched out in Iraq and the fact that the Pentagon did not expect US forces to be committed for so long and facing such harsh insurgency has only added to the problems. This article is just about water; I've read articles from credible sources that lay out facts in hard details, showing that US forces dont have enough Radios to communicate with each other and so they're using Walky Talkies that they or their families bought from a local Wal-Mart!!

They dont have enough armoured vehicles and so production has been stepped up bak in the US while those vehicles that are not armoured (and are serving in Iraq - which is a lot of them), they're armour kits are being shipped to Iraq to be bolted on to them (in the meantime, soldiers are using sandbags, scrap metal taken off Iraqi tanks and whatnot), but the kits dont solve the problem as the lower of the vehicle is still 'very' vulnerable to improvised devices (hence, the case of mutiny that occured a few days back with US soldiers refusing to transport some stuff across a very hazardous region).

They dont have enough body armour, and have to rely on vests and helmets given to them by their local police depts. at home before they came to Iraq (a lot of which is past its due date but still being used nevertheless). And there are other things along with these main issues. So I would say, Pentagon needs to forsake its slumber and rush to the aid of the average individual soldier on the ground. It has awakened to this need but more needs to be done I'd say.


Troll Hunter
Staff member
Mysterious, try to break up what you write in small paragraphs for petes' sake! Its worst than book without pictures for some of us. ;)


New Member
Verified Defense Pro
The condensation princicple is how some species of crab survive in the Australian outback. I think the best way to quikly generate enough cold for the purpose of condensating water out of the air is through some chemical reaction rather than through energy inefficient 'mechanical means'. There are compounds that produce heat when mixed. Logic suggests there have to be compounds that produce cold when mixed ...


New Member
:? :help :?: I heard sometime while ago that the us developed a filter system for the MRE that allows soldiers to use any kind of water or their own urine to re-hydrate the food..?
Anybody heard of this before, I’ll try to find the article.


New Member
lo. i saw images of american soldiers in iraq in line waiting to get some drink. lol. maybe they should get private company to give them water? profit will make anyone do anything.


New Member
Verified Defense Pro
armage said:
:? :help :?: I heard sometime while ago that the us developed a filter system for the MRE that allows soldiers to use any kind of water or their own urine to re-hydrate the food..?
Anybody heard of this before, I’ll try to find the article.
AFAIK the US MREs don't need to be rehydrated. They do need liquid to fire up the chemical process used to heat the MRE