What can be our assumptions? for example are we just buying hardware/gear or do we have to factor in salaries also, is this a long standing army or are we going with the soldiers are private soldiers (mercernaries for hire) and if so whats the budget for the next years upkeep? What type of terrain are we in, for example if I'm defending a large country with maritime and land borders would be different than an island nation or a landlocked one (call it india, australia, belarus). Should we use the suppliers that the country would nominally buy/recieve gear from ie: mostly eastern or western depending on who is supplying the gear to them currently? Do we have to do our own R&D for stuff in this budget or can it just show up? What about logistics? Any idea of whom are we going to be fighting or just the generic be ready for anything? Do we need to set aside money for COIN or can we assume the population that we will be conducting operations amoung (we already lost) will be our own or at least friendly? a trillion goes a very long way unless we start chipping away at all the little things that make a military actually go. Pick a country or at least a land mass and population base for recruitment and we can go from there. :flame