My business partner and I are in the final stages of development of some software that allows your laptop or desktop PC to program and guide a rocket/missile and give it updated directions using simple wireless protocols which should make it fully exportable to all nations of interest. It also has a range of 30-40 miles as a test unit but could be expanded to 400 plus miles we think with easy and a different transmission protocol. Well I would like to tell more but I can't as it would go into to many of the finer points. What we are seeking input in is should we focus our development on existing weapons as a refit technology or should we build/have built a lower cost weapons platform to use the technology with? Also if we get into this type of thing will we need to move outside the USA or are there permits and such that can be had easily enough without disclosing our project to anyone outside our company? One last thing we don't know how to price our system alone since we are not familiar with the pricing in the defense business.