Could use alot of help from fellow Military Enthusiasts


New Member
Hello friends. I know I am new to the forum. I am live in Russia. I have a large large request, but I don't know if anyone will be able to help me.
I am building a new website with help of friend. I am in need of many pictures of Armed Forces of the following countries:


I need images of medium size at least. Nothing smaller than 400x400 pixels. All armed forces of each country, including army, air force, navy forces, special units, border guards units, all I needs.

If you have a collection that is personal that you dont mind to share, your name will be credited next to the pictures. If you know of any good website with lots of pictures seperated by countrys. Please give me link.
Maybe you can make a zip file and upload it into a torrent and give me a link?
I would very very very much appreciate you help.

Thank you.

Your Russian friend!


Super Moderator
Staff member
This place is not dead. For one, simply look around the picture gallery that exists on this forum. There are many pictures here. Secondly, just because nobody has pictures of those armed forces here, doesn't mean that the community is dead. Your first post was polite and meaningful, your last two rude and out of place. Now look around the picture gallery of this site, links at the top of the page, and if you don't find what you're looking for there then chances are nobody on this forum has the picture you're looking for.

EDIT: For Belarus, look here:


Super Moderator
Verified Defense Pro
There are some pics on Central Asian armed forces and quite a bit of them on former Eastern European armed forces but they would not be of much use to you as they are watermarked with "Defence Talk," regardless of you want them on your site contact Webmaster for approval.

As for community being dead, well if you produce a dead thread you'll get a dead response. You are asking members on one website to help build your website. The regular members here might have several problem with that. Some are loyal to this site, some are least interested in former Soviet States' armed forces (very rare though), anyone who should have better info and pics on these armed forces should be a Russian (i.e. You yourself), no one actually has pics on these armed forces etc etc ...