Boolag said:
I dont think its likely in the near-forseeable future..It would be nice though..but the Govt just got away with convincing a pacifist public that the army needed $600+ mil worth of armoured vehicles..the public wont understand why we could possibly need more. The closest thing the army will be getting will be some model of 40mm auto grenade launcher..although the tendering process for that has been delayed at least till 2008 due to the defence ministry stating that none of the Existing types on the market are satisfactory: I aint no expert but i hope this sheds some light.
NZLAV's already come with a 25mm Bushmaster which has FAR greater firepower than any 40mm AGL's. The problem is it's not man-portable, which the 40mm AGL WILL be.
The 105mm guncar WOULD be a nice asset to provide a bit of "weight" to NZ's rather anaemic land forces. 2x Sqn's worth plus training assets in a similar setup to Australia's M1A1 purchase would give a serious bit of beef to NZ's forces, and is unlikely to cost anywhere near as much either. I'd reckon they could buy enough to equip the QAR with 2x Sqn's a support Sqn and training/development assets for less than $350m.
It'd give the Queen Alexandria's Regiment a serious role too instead of it's current half and half sharing arrangement with 2/1 RNZIR (I think) over possession of the existing 40 odd NZLAV's...
Other options might be better though. NZ needs an artillery and mortar firepower upgrade more than it needs a 105mm direct fire gun. It's direct fire assets aren't too bad with 7.62mm MAG-58, 0.50cal HMG;s, Carl Gustav 84mm RCL and Javelin ATGW, plus the new 25mm on NZLAV. This will be further boosted once 40mm AGL is introduced.
Maybe they need to focus on in-direct fires for a bit, given their lack of air support? An M777/Excalibur and 120mm mortar purchase would benefit NZ more I'd think and would hardly "break the bank"...