in German Navy we develop a prototype of an new system that helps the crew to communicate during a battle.
The idea is:
Every commanding officer is equiped with a kind of tablet PC.
When there ist a fire somewher in the ship for example, and that fire is detected by someone, the position of the fire in the shop can be posted.
At same time the new information can be seen on every tablet PC.
So everybody in the ship has the same information at the same time.
The system is a bi directional system.
So, the order, to put out the fire can be given that way, too.
At least, the system should be able to do a lot more!
But that is the first idea!
Now we are looking for systems, that are similar to our idea.
Maybe such a system is still existing somewhere.
Maybe someone can give me an answer.
in German Navy we develop a prototype of an new system that helps the crew to communicate during a battle.
The idea is:
Every commanding officer is equiped with a kind of tablet PC.
When there ist a fire somewher in the ship for example, and that fire is detected by someone, the position of the fire in the shop can be posted.
At same time the new information can be seen on every tablet PC.
So everybody in the ship has the same information at the same time.
The system is a bi directional system.
So, the order, to put out the fire can be given that way, too.
At least, the system should be able to do a lot more!
But that is the first idea!
Now we are looking for systems, that are similar to our idea.
Maybe such a system is still existing somewhere.
Maybe someone can give me an answer.