Chinese Project Help Request!


New Member
Since, this is a tech sub-forum, I have a little request in getting a project done.

Sup, guyies I have a little favor to ask. I'm working on a research paper for one of my business classes; and I need some link of talking about what will be of China 10-25 years down the road (Future predictions, not present since we already know about it); and I need 2 links of each of the topics in red. Remember, it has to talk about the future ;) and it's effect globally.


I. China's Technological Advancement
a. Silicon Valley of China. <= 10-25 Years Down The Road
b. Espionage (Stealing technology).
c. Weapons advancement. <= 10-25 Years Down The Road

II. Military Expansion
a. Military Budgets and military expansion (Current & Future) because of economic growth. <= 10-25 Years Down The Road
b. Navy Built-Up (From Green Water Navy - to - Blue Water Navy). <= 10-25 Years Down The Road
c. Increase In Nuclear Technology. <= 10-25 Years Down The Road

Copy the previous post and add the link under the topic of what the article pretains to.

Thank You,


New Member
let me get my crystal ball.
he he. sorry the shot was there, i took it.

some old material you can copy paste(from 04-05)

Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies Papers/OPChinasRise.pdf's+Rise&btnG=Search

When in doubt google it, and so can the professor, oh oh, i had this experience in my 5th semester paper-presentation,
not a plesent experience :rel , read some links plenty available online, china+rise, china+military, china+economy, on and on.
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Thanks :)

But ain't there sites that give a future out look though? Like 5-10 years what might happen? Cause my paper leans more towards that way.

(I hate it when professors give you topics to work on :'(


New Member
make a judgement man, that helps a lot in actual industrial experience, more than copying stuff, it will be good for you.
A word of advice use lots of cool chinese quotes:
As Sun Tzu said: "To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill"

Or for possible chinese stealth LO technology quote Sun Tzu again
"O divine art of subtlety and secrecy! Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible and hence we can hold the enemy's fate in our hands."

There is a host of these.

and use structured arguments like:
transformation in military terms for the 21st century translated into:
1. multirole capability (cite some wepons)
2. rapid response (cite more chinese weapons)
3. flexible organization (cite some more command and control stuff)
4. Network centric military for optimal sharing of accurate information in real time.(cite more command and control with data sharing capability).

Look at US military structure and do some extrapolation for china, with possible chinese;
aircrafts (these last for 25-30 years), carrier battle groups (they are in the process of starting production go to china military forums), LO technology in navy(stealth ships), and associated technology like (asea radars, AEW awac aircrafts, satallite/space craft based reconissance/information warfare used for disrupting enemies economic framework/infrastructure) the possibilities are endless you might run out of time.

For economic progress go to the world bank site, search the reports/presentations/study/research sections.
for example this is the quaterly update for china
some graphs are going up to 2050.
Remember these are world banks open documents, you can use the graphs and 'numbers', as long as you cite the source.

There is a reason they give you this task, in real office work you still have to copy paste a lot.
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Banned Member
Ahhh, this takes me back to fond memories of my undergrad dissertation.

Finding good, reliable sources for information on China on the web can be a minefield. Its such a dynamic subject and a lot of the better websites require subscription (and considerable) payment. Such examples are and

But as funtz says though, use Google and keep searching, there is stuff out there.

Have you tried some of the free articles on websites such as the BBC, Financial Times or The Guardian, and other news agency websites? In regards to Chinese military matters look out for stuff by the likes of Professor David Shambaugh and Dennis Blasko. Also maybe give - some of it is dated, but useful.

As you probably know, has a myriad of books available on the subject, one recent book I can recommend is Will Hutton's "The Writing on the Wall: China and the West in the 21st Century" (Little, Brown Press ISBN 978-0-316-73020-40).

If you have can get your hands on journals like "The China Quarterly" too, I found them a great help.

Anyway, hope this lot can help in some way and good luck with the paper.