Canadian deaths on Easter - LAV III


New Member
I have been trying to get some information on what type of explosion killed six Canadians serving in Afghanistan on Easter Sunday. For an explosion to kill six troops in one shot it must have been very large or a move towards something more than just a "simple" road-side bomb.
Does anyone know what type of bomb this could have been and why so much damage was done in one sitting?

I have to make more posts in order to post a URL. But if people don't know what I'm talking about you can google/news it.


**If there is already a post about this, please direct me towards it. I did a search but didn't come up with anything.**


New Member
It doesn't take much to blast through the LAV III. Same goes with the Stryker.. So it was probably just a larg-ish explosive.

If you make a vehicle half the weight use either have to reduce its armour or make it smaller. The latest trend is to reduce the armour so they can be transported by C-130.

I'd rather have a small 2 or 3 seat vehicle built like a tank. With todays level of automation you dont need that many people. For patrolling thats all thats required.. Think of the "bat mobile" for idea's :D