New Member
This morning i was watching news on TV and they were talking about peace keeping operation in Afghanistan.:afghan Another Canadian Soldier died in LAV accidents and that makes it the 8th victim. While keeping these accidents in sight the Prime Minister has ordered a couple more thousand troops :soldierto Afghanistan for better Peace Keeping operations:dance. LAV 3 is a very safe vehicle in case of armour and fire power that it has, LAV 3 is basically an APC, but the in the recent accidents like the last one these tend to flip over for some reason that i have no idea about, which causes injuries. I don't think the peace keeping operations are going anywhere in Afghanistan:hitwall I mean its true that there is very little fighting:ar15 going on now but how would sending thousands of more troops in going to help:?2. If you guys have any opinion on Peace keeping or LAV's i would greatly appreciate that.