BAE Taranis - some questions


New Member
Can someone help me out with a couple of questions about the forthcoming BAE UCAV demonstrator, the Taranis?

1) What is it's possible weapon load and range? My friend is thinking maybe 1500-2000 lbs per bay.
2) Bearing in mind this is a demonstrator would a production Taranis be similar sized or scaled up?

Of course the answers might be classified, secret or even no one knows. :)


New Member
You've asked some interesting questions which I am suprised no one has yet answered. It's said that the Taranis will be the size of a Hawk trainer and equiped with a similar engine to the Hawk.

The MOD is claiming that it is the largest UCAV of its kind. However, I'm not sure about this, given that the range-payload capability of the UCAS-D would suggest that it will be larger than a Hawk.

I think that the UK's future UCAV ought to be larger than current plans suggest. The advantage given by US heavy bombers loitering over the battlefield responding to soldiers on the ground cannot be ignored. While the UK will never be able to afford this capaibilty to the extent of the US bombers, a larger UCAV than planned would certainly go some way towards this.


New Member
The BAE UCAV his just a demonstrator and it will not have a bombs bay, the weapons carriage and deployment will be simulated.
The British MOD has been toying with a "transcontinental UCAV" concept based on the TARANIS, so whatever cames out of the project might very well be a bit (maybe a lot) bigger than the demonstrator. If they have the money for that kind of capability, well, that´s another story... (probably not)
