Australian Army Medical


New Member
Hello everyone,

I am 19 years old and Im about to enlist for a rifleman position in the army reserve. I was given my medical questionaire and on one of the questions It asked me wherther I had used an inhaler after exercise or with a 'cold'.

I ticked the yes box because I did use an inhaler for a nasty 'cold' when I was around 9 or 10 years old. I have not required an inhaler since with other 'colds' and I am also a lot fitter now. Will answer this prevent me from becoming a rifleman?

What should I tell the Army docter when he looks at my medical questionaire?......



Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Tell him the truth. The ADF has recently relaxed a lot of the standards associated with asthma because of cases very much like yours. This shouldn't be much of an issue.