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From Al Jazeera.About 1,000 African Union troops are set to arrive on Moheli to support 400 Comoran soldiers [AFP]
African Union troops have been arriving on the Comoros island of Moheli in preparation for a military offensive to retake the island of Anjouan.
The government of the Indian Ocean archipelago refused to recognise the re-election of Colonel Mohamed Bacar on Anjouan in June 2007 beginning a stand-off with the island.
At least 200 Sudanese and 300 Tanzanian troops have so far landed in the port town of Fomboni, the AFP news agency reported.
Senegalese troops are also expected to arrive in the next few days, while Libya has provided transport assistance for the AU-sponsored operation.
Abdul Bacar Soihir, head of the cabinet of the Comoros union, told The Associated Press news agency on Thursday: "The invasion will be very soon."
More than 1,000 African troops are expected to take part, supporting about 400 Comoran soldiers.
Yahya Abdallah, the Sudanese commander, said as he arrived with a deployment of paratroopers: "We are happy to be here... The Comoran people are our Muslim brothers and we are proud to be able to help them."
Re-election 'illegal'
Each of the Comoros federation's three islands has its own president and government institutions. Bacar has ruled Anjouan since 2002, but his re-election last year was deemed illegal by both the central authorities and the African Union (AU).
"We have waited too long to please the international community and wait for these African troops"
Comoran army lieutenant
A Comoran army lieutenant said: "We are soon going to be able to solve this matter.
"We have waited too long to please the international community and wait for these African troops."
However, regional power South Africa and former colonial rulers France said diplomacy should not be abandoned.
Pascale Andreani, a French foreign ministry spokeswoman, said: "We remain ... in support of dialogue and a peaceful solution to this crisis.
"Colonel Bacar must, for that, immediately confirm his agreement to organise elections in Anjouan in the near future and allow the African Union troops to take position at the port and airport in Anjouan to prepare to make the elections safe."
The AU is backing Ahmed Abdallah Sambi, the archipelago's president, to protect the territorial integrity of the Comoros. Bacar has said he is seeking Anjouan's independence from the union.
The archipelago has survived 19 coups or coup attempts since it acquired independence from France in 1975.
What type of armament do the rebels have? I doubt that we will found out, but that's the $1000 question which will determine if this is more of a political exercise or if there is actually a reason why 1,000 combat-ready AU troops are being deployed along with the Comoros(ian?) military. Since the rebel's leader is a Colonel it would stand to reason that he commands some sort of military force which might stand with him. Also the Comoros has experienced 19 or so coup attempts in the last few decades so there might be weapons lying around and it's not hard to imagine some Comoran(? How do you say that?) troops stationed on Anjouan supporting this breakaway. Really this is also speculation and educated guessing based on lack of actual facts.
It's also genuinely surprising to me that the AU had the political will and logisitical capability to pull this off. Although I am saddened by the fact that Sudanese troops are participating in this; it really shows the AU's committment to human rights.