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Did the introduction of land-based heavy ATGM platforms like Mokopa and Hermis (comparable to the Hellfire) make the MBT obsolete?
No. Every new sword is just a starter for deweloping new shield. There are few system witch are protecting tanks against ATGM. Just two ex. of them:We7det_el_qetal_ra3d said:Did the introduction of land-based heavy ATGM platforms like Mokopa and Hermis (comparable to the Hellfire) make the MBT obsolete?
Do you have more informations about it? Articles, photos, films etc. I have saw lots of Abramses while and after hit but any Challengers.Aussie Digger said:British Challenger 11 tanks in Iraq in 2003, were observed to repeatedly take hits from ATGW of various sorts and were able to continue "fighting through".
Spoken as only a soldier can. What's the objective? Where's the opposng force? How to take control of the situation, set the place for contact? Its not only the gun that is important, its the man who holds the gun.Aussie Digger said:Well as a former crew commander of an APC I KNOW what I would do, (turn around and find a simpler battlefield to fight on...)![]()
Seriously though I'm not sure what you're asking. What is the situation? What is the nature of the terrain we're fighting on? What forces do I have at MY disposal? What forces do you possess (other than a few equipment types)? Why are we fighting? What do I intend to gain, and what do you hope to achieve?
How far am I, or are you deployed from our home bases? What are the rules of engagement? Is this a high intensity warfighting conflict or is it a peace-making/keeping operation, where the insurgents just happen to be extremely well equipped? Who are my allies if any? Who are yours? What is your logistical situation? What is mine?
Unfortunately to answer what can a tank do in a given situation, you have to be able to answer all those questions and more. Naming a couple of equipment types and asking what a tank can do is useless...
I'm sorry I might be a bit thick but I don't really understand this new hypothetical question.We7det_el_qetal_ra3d said:Im world war II the russians employed the most extensive defense in depth known to man during operatin Citadel to break the germain combined arms offensive,
I'm asking this:
Is the Air land battle doctrine obsolete, on the ground that, any country in the world would sell it's navy ,it's airforce ,it's tank corps, and rather opt for
1- Tactical ballistic missiles like Iskander-E
2- Smerch
3- S-400 & S-300
4- G6 Krasnopol-M combination
5- Mokopa on land based systems
all the above will be procured en mass as the country won't spend it's defense budget on anything else.
I would be interested to find out too. If the Challengers can perform like that, its a worthwhile investment. Imagine a combine arms battlegroup centered on the Challenger. The only other tank that can survive in close combat in FIBUA or MOUT is the Merkava.oskarm said:No. Every new sword is just a starter for deweloping new shield. There are few system witch are protecting tanks against ATGM. Just two ex. of them:
Do you have more informations about it? Articles, photos, films etc. I have saw lots of Abramses while and after hit but any Challengers.