According to a report from Anadolu Ajansi (A.A.) news agency, two Turkish defence industry companies Aselsan and FNSS are in cooperation to develop an unmanned gun turret to be used on various armoured vehicles.
The development protocole was signed by the Turkish Undersecretariat of Defence Industries which is the governing body responsible for the undertaking of procurements to meet the needs of the Turkish Armed Forces.
The UDI (or SSM Savunma Sanayi Mustesarligi in Turkish) is responsible for the coordination between Turkish-Turkish and Turkish-foreign defence companies and is currently coordinating 150+ projects for the Turkish Armed Forces. With a few examples of the projects been coordinated by UDI/SSM mentioned at:
Mr. Murad Bayar in charge of the UDI/SSM commented during the protocole signing ceremony his appreciation of the level the Turkish defence industry had reached further adding that the one year needed to complete the project as a sign of success.
FNSS CEO Mr. Nail Kurt, informed of his companies ventures and deals in foreign markets and their cooperation with other Turkish companies, namely Aselsan and MKEK with success.
Aselsan CEO Mr. Cengiz Ergeneman, commented that the new turret technology will have day and night operability and expected it to have export potential.
Mr. Ergeneman further commented that the remotely operatable turret will be adaptable to both new armoured vehicles and also be used in upgrade packages of old vehicles.
The new turret, able to use either a 25 or 30mm cannon, will also have a 7.62mm machine gun and smoke launchers integrated to it. The turret utilizes thermal camera, laser range measuring for ballistics targeting and stabilized firing control allowing for day and night, all weather high accuracy target recognition, tracking, controlling and firing via a joystick control system within the safety of a wheeled or tracked vehicle.
A similar system made by Aselsan, the STAMP is been succesfully adapted to various naval platforms including the indigenous Turkish Milgem ship programme.
In decending order:
1)The Aselsan-FNSS Unmanned Turret System
2)Aselsan STAMP System
3)STAMP naval version
4)STAMP land version
The development protocole was signed by the Turkish Undersecretariat of Defence Industries which is the governing body responsible for the undertaking of procurements to meet the needs of the Turkish Armed Forces.
The UDI (or SSM Savunma Sanayi Mustesarligi in Turkish) is responsible for the coordination between Turkish-Turkish and Turkish-foreign defence companies and is currently coordinating 150+ projects for the Turkish Armed Forces. With a few examples of the projects been coordinated by UDI/SSM mentioned at:
Mr. Murad Bayar in charge of the UDI/SSM commented during the protocole signing ceremony his appreciation of the level the Turkish defence industry had reached further adding that the one year needed to complete the project as a sign of success.
FNSS CEO Mr. Nail Kurt, informed of his companies ventures and deals in foreign markets and their cooperation with other Turkish companies, namely Aselsan and MKEK with success.
Aselsan CEO Mr. Cengiz Ergeneman, commented that the new turret technology will have day and night operability and expected it to have export potential.
Mr. Ergeneman further commented that the remotely operatable turret will be adaptable to both new armoured vehicles and also be used in upgrade packages of old vehicles.
The new turret, able to use either a 25 or 30mm cannon, will also have a 7.62mm machine gun and smoke launchers integrated to it. The turret utilizes thermal camera, laser range measuring for ballistics targeting and stabilized firing control allowing for day and night, all weather high accuracy target recognition, tracking, controlling and firing via a joystick control system within the safety of a wheeled or tracked vehicle.
A similar system made by Aselsan, the STAMP is been succesfully adapted to various naval platforms including the indigenous Turkish Milgem ship programme.
In decending order:
1)The Aselsan-FNSS Unmanned Turret System
2)Aselsan STAMP System
3)STAMP naval version
4)STAMP land version