I haven't seen the latest Reserve ads but I've rarely thought much of ADF ads, certainly not in a positive light. Best recruitment ad I've seen is one for the USMC. It shows 'warrior spirit' and is gungho but it effectively gets across the ethos of the Marines and promotes a desirabilty to be part of that organisation. It emotes a sense of power, mateship and values. Just the sort of ad to get young blokes interested in serving in the Army.
Whenever I see ADF ads, it feels 'suburban' - middleclass, exclusive (not in a good sense) and safe. I guess that's the demographic ADF is going for though. I understand some ads will be focussed at certain groups because of requirements but there doesn't appear to be ads aimed at potential 'warriors' and as a result we see these limp ads. Perhaps these ads are a reflection of of an overly PC culture, where 'pointy end' of what our Defence force is tasked with is glossed over because it may be too confronting. End result is uninspiring pap.
I recall as a young boy watching an inspriring Army recruitment ad. It showed Australian Army battle campaigns throughout its history (I vaguely recall images of Australians in Tobruk) and done to a whistled soundtrack with of course the voiceover. That ad nailed everything for me. History, conveyed warrior spirit, mateship and had the requisite artillery going off/timed to the drum track. The sort of ad that makes you go - 'ah so thats what a digger is'. As a result you are proud and its something you want to be part of. The Australian Army is an institition to be proud of but there is a disconnect with the ads and the reality. Bah!