Started yesterday in the Arabian Sea naval exercises Saudi Pakistani joint ninth «sea breeze», conducted with Chinese Defense Minister Cao Zhang Chuan talks with the crown prince and Saudi Defense Minister Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz in Riyadh on ways to expand military cooperation relations between the two countries and their development.
The news agency «Associated Press» Pakistani official «seven vessels belonging to the naval forces of Saudi Arabia and arrived at the port of Karachi earlier to participate in the exercises». The news agency quoted a statement that the Pakistani naval maneuvers are ninth in a series of maneuvers «sea breeze».
The commander of the Pakistani Navy Vice Admiral Noman Bashir at the start of the exercises that after the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington, there has been a change in the model preference security in the region.
The news agency «Associated Press» Pakistani official «seven vessels belonging to the naval forces of Saudi Arabia and arrived at the port of Karachi earlier to participate in the exercises». The news agency quoted a statement that the Pakistani naval maneuvers are ninth in a series of maneuvers «sea breeze».
The commander of the Pakistani Navy Vice Admiral Noman Bashir at the start of the exercises that after the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington, there has been a change in the model preference security in the region.