Some photos to share of the Army Open House 2009 held at Pasir Laba Camp.
Soldier from the army intelligence.
Briefing about the Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicle(ICV).
Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicle(ICV).
A Guards soldier carrying a Rippel Effect XRGL40, in riot gear.
More photos in my flickr album.
]2009 SEPT[ Army Open House Singapore - a set on Flickr
Some photos to share of the Army Open House 2009 held at Pasir Laba Camp.
Soldier from the army intelligence.
Briefing about the Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicle(ICV).
Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicle(ICV).
A Guards soldier carrying a Rippel Effect XRGL40, in riot gear.
More photos in my flickr album.
]2009 SEPT[ Army Open House Singapore - a set on Flickr