Korean Overseas Information Service, South Korea is seeking to buy 48 sophisticated defensive missiles from the United States and install them in the country's Aegis-equipped KDX-III destroyers, the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) said on Monday (July 3).
According to a DAPA spokesman, negotiations are underway to buy the Raytheon Systems' SM-2 Block IIB Tactical missiles in a deal worth some $111 million. SM-2 missiles are effective against cruise and airborne missiles and for striking aircraft.
The Navy has built three 3,000 ton-class KDX-I destroyers and five 4,000 ton-class KDX-II destroyers. It plans to build one more KKDX-II this October. Three 7,000 ton-class KDX-III vessels planned for launch by 2012 are expected to have the new missiles installed as their primary defensive system, a Navy spokesperson said.
The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) last week notified Congress of the proposed Foreign Military Sale to the Seoul government, the U.S. agency said on its website.
“The government of Korea is one of the major political and economic powers in East Asia and the Western Pacific, and a key partner of the United States in ensuring peace and stability in the region,” the DSCA said in a press release.
“It is vital to the U.S. national interest to assist our ally in developing and maintaining a strong and ready self-defense capability, which will contribute to an acceptable military balance in the area. This proposed sale is consistent with those objectives,” it said.
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