Tilburg University, The innovative potential of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program for the Dutch knowledge economy is immense. In addition, the JSF project generates 23,000 years of employment in the development and production phases of the program: high-quality employment with little chance of leakage to other countries, since the Netherlands are a partner country in the JSF program.
These conclusions are part of an interim report on spin-off and spillover effects in the JSF program by CentER Applied Research, institute of applied research at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Tilburg University. The research was an initiative of Tilburg Univerity, trade union De Unie and NIFARP. The results of the study are derived from interviews with 10 companies and research institutes in the Dutch aerospace sector.
In the interim report, there is no estimation of the years of employment for maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) activities. Jacques Teuwen, chairman of trade union De Unie:
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