Indian Ministry of Defence, Defence Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee and Gen. Cao Gangchuan, Minister of National Defence of the People's Republic of China, today signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Exchanges and Cooperation in the field of Defence between India and China.
The MOU provides a formal basis for the defence and military exchanges that have been taking place between the two countries in the last few years. The MOU specifically reiterates the desire of the two countries to have exchanges in the following fields:
–Frequent exchanges between the leaders and high-level functionaries of the Defence Ministries and the Armed Forces of the two countries. Both sides will work out an annual programme of exchanges.
–An Annual Defence Dialogue, hosted alternatively by the two sides to review progress in the defence exchanges, make suggestions for the future and to exchange views on international, security and strategic issues.
–Holding of joint military exercises and training programmes in the field of search and rescue, anti-piracy, counter-terrorism and other areas of mutual interest. Each side will invite senior military officers of the other side to witness designated military exercises.
–Establish a mechanism of study tours for each other's senior and middle
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