Swiss Defence Procurement Agency, FLORAKO, the new air defence ground environment of the air force, has been put into operation at the beginning of February.
After the completion of tests and a simultaneous operation with the old FLORIDA system FLORAKO has been successfully put into operation on 2 February 2004. FLORAKO is a completely new system, replacing the surveillance radars, air situation computers and operations centers in use so far.
The new air situation computers, so-called multi radar trackers, establish a common air situation of military and civilian flight data. This provides the air force and Skyguide, re-sponsible for military air traffic control, with a modern air surveillance system meeting the increased requirements of civilian and military air traffic.
The first subsystems went into service last year. And now, by now putting into operation the main system, the most important milestone during the procurement of this extensive and complex electronic system could reached on time and within budgetary limits. Fur-ther development steps will follow.
FLORAKO was approved with Armament Programs 1998/1999. The procurement of the system amounts to 728 million Swiss francs; building costs are estimated at 95 million Swiss francs
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