Dinah Luneke, US Air Force,
Wright-Patterson AFB OH: The newest supercomputer at the Aeronautical Systems Center's Major Shared Resource Center went into production recently, enabling advanced problem-solving capabilities for mission-critical support to the Department of Defense.
The new Falcon system will aid the center in providing greater computer resources to the Defense Department research and development and test and evaluation communities.
Aeronautical Systems Center's Major Shared Resource Center is one of four such High-Performance Computing centers throughout the Defense Department.
The Falcon system consists of 2,048 processors or 1,024 XC nodes with 2 (2.8 GHz) AMD Opteron central processing units. Falcon expands the center's capability to more than 6,900 processors spread across 11 systems.
TOP500 list ranking for this system is anticipated to be announced following this week's (June 27