UK Ministry of Defence, On the eve of the UN Small Arms Review Conference, Des Browne, Secretary of State for Defence has renewed calls for an International Arms Trade Treaty.
Today Mr Browne will receive a petition from Oxfam, Amnesty International and IANSA in support of the Government's stance on the Arms Trade Treaty. Secretary of State for Defence, Des Browne, said:
“We have been working closely with Oxfam, Amnesty International, IANSA and the UK defence industry in support of an Arms Trade Treaty for several years.
“An international consensus on Arms Trade would provide a practical underpinning to our existing work to reduce the flow of irresponsibly traded arms. This is a priority for us, especially into areas of conflict.
“Our goal is to build momentum towards a UN General Assembly resolution this Autumn that would lead to a workable treaty.”
Background Notes and Information:
1. The UK government is working hard to secure a legally binding Arms Trade Treaty to cover the trade in all conventional arms. On 3rd Oct 2005 the EU added its support by calling for formal negotiations at the UN and in November 2005 the Commonwealth Heads of Government also called for the UN to commence work on a treaty. The Government plans to raise the initiative at the United Nations General Assembly First Committee this October, with the aim of securing agreement to the start of a formal UN process to take this work forward.
2. The UN Programme of Action Small Arms Review Conference runs in New York from Monday 26 June to Friday 7th July. This meeting only covers SALW and is part of a politically, not legally binding process, hence, while relevant this is not the place to raise the treaty initiative. At the Review Conference the UK will be pressing for the adoption of clear global standards for transfers of SALW.
3. Des Browne will receive the Million Faces Petition on Friday 23rd June, 3.30pm. The venue will be the Oxfam Shop, 45 Foregate, Kilmarnock. The petition will consist of a giant postcard which will have the photos of Scots who have signed up to the petition calling for an international arms trade treaty. Judith Robertson, Head of Oxfam in Scotland will be at the event.
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