C-130 Gunship engages insurgents in Najaf
C-130 Gunship engages insurgents in Najaf ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦&#...
C-130 Gunship engages insurgents in Najaf ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦&#...
GI Film Festival Trailer: End All Wars In a jungle war of survival, they learned sacrifice. In a prison of...
USAF C-130 Hercules 80's Camo - FS9 Flight Simmer: Dan Daryll Magsino Location: Hong Kong, Kai Tak Airport Flight Report:...
Sequence 6 of 6: Nobody's an Afghan Expert.wmv ISAF Command Sergeant Major Michael Hall talks about the importance of understanding...
GI Film Festival Trailer: Honor In The Valley of Tears A feature length documentary about Congressional Medal of Honor recipient...
AC-130 Gunship power Shows a very incomum version of c-130.The AC-130 has a pair of vulcan rotatory cannon and a...
Russian MIG-35 presentation to Minister of Defense Ivanov Russian TV report. Russian airforce Mig-35 prototype presentation to minister Serguei Ivano...
USP 1°part F15 Eagle (1) ENG First part of the Discovery Channel's "Ultimate Strike Planes", a documentary that speaks about...
SU-33 Almost Crashes! lucky guy.. Kid Gaga Kid Gaga Kid Gaga Kid Gaga Kid Gagabreakingnyc raywilliamjohnson ray william johnson equalsthree...
Indian Air Force - Sukhoi-30- Salsa in the Sky - Part 19 IAF