The ANAO’s review of the PDSSs was conducted under an agreement with the DMO, and was performed in accordance with the Australian Standard on Assurance Engagements (ASAE) 3000. The agreement excluded from the scope of the ANAO’s review PDSS data on the achievement of future dates or events (including forecasts on delivering key capabilities, also called Measures of Effectiveness), and major risks and issues.
The objective of this report is to provide:
- comprehensive information on the status of projects as reflected in the Project Data Summary Sheets (PDSSs) prepared by DMO, and a review by the ANAO (the Auditor–General’s formal conclusion on the review of the PDSSs is contained in Part 3 this report);
- ANAO analysis, in particular longitudinal analysis of projects over time; and
- further insights by the DMO on issues highlighted during the year (not included in the scope of the review by the ANAO).
By its nature, this information relates to events and depends on circumstances that have not yet occurred or may not occur, or have occurred but have not yet been identified. Accordingly, the conclusion of this review does not provide any assurance in relation to this information.
While our work is appropriate for the purpose of providing a review report in accordance with ASAE 3000, our review is not as extensive as individual project performance audits conducted by the ANAO, in terms of the nature and scope of project issues covered, and the extent to which evidence is required by the ANAO.
Consequently, the level of assurance provided by this review in relation to the 22 Major Projects is less than that typically provided by our performance audits.
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