US Air Force, WASHINGTON — Air Force officials released a list of operational shortfalls Dec. 17. The list came from a two-year analysis of current and future war fighting effects and capabilities, a process called a capabilities review and risk assessment.
The assessment identified and prioritized critical operational shortfalls in such areas as:
–Global information grid. There is a need for a globally interconnected capability that collects, processes, stores, disseminates and manages information on demand to war fighters, policy makers and support people.
–Battle-space management. There is a need to implement effects-based planning and provide a common operational picture to the war fighter.
–Fleeting and mobile targets. There is a need to reduce the time needed to find, fix, track and target hostile forces.
–Battle-damage assessment. There is a need for a toolkit and clarified definitions for commanders to determine effects-based decisions across the battle space.
–Base defense. There is a need to clarify roles and responsibilities between the Air Force and sister services.
–Cargo airlift. There is a need for a study to review requirements and prepare for possible force-structure changes
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