What made US capture of Iraq possible?

yutong chen

New Member
Did the US soldier win Iraqi Freedom because they are good or is it the Iraqi's just give up.

US won Iraq. But is it the skill of the soldiers, or is it because most Iraqi soldier surrendered when the US troops arrived.


New Member
Re: Did the US soldier win Iraqi Freedom because they are good or is it the Iraqi's just give up.

I believe a winning combination of both, though particularly the power of the Coalition armed forces, as it was they that brought about these aforementioned mass surrenders...


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Re: Did the US soldier win Iraqi Freedom because they are good or is it the Iraqi's just give up.

I agree, it was a combination of both factors. It was a hopeless battle for the Iraqi's no matter how hard they would have fought, I think the soldiers were wise in their decission. In reallity because the soldiers did not put up an organized fight they spared the citizens of Iraq from much death and destruction. I don't think people reallize how much destruction the coalition forces could have wrecked on that country, luckily there was little resistance and as a result very little ordanance was used.

Red aRRow

Forum Bouncer
Well its true that the Iraqi army and the Republican guard disappeared when the Americans came thus making the US capture of Iraq possible. But now the scenario is that will the US be able to hold Iraq?? The same ex-iraqi troops are now possibly joined by infuriated citizens in a guerilla style campaign which is draining American morale and increasing the body count. IMO it is turning into another Vietnam. America needs to put a stable Iraqi government in place and get the hell outta there.


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I don't see that the American public or troops are suffering from any type of morale issues despite what the media say. In fact, Americans are quite proud of our troops, and the soldiers are holding up quite well. Nor do I see this as being another Vietnam. I do agree, the US needs to get out and get out quickly. I still think it would have been best for muslim based UN forces to take over from the US as soon as the shooting war was over.