The ever growth of DefenceTalk's Military Gallery has prompted us to offer free and unrestricted service to PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS.
What is this all about? If you are a professional photographer, you are probably on the road most of the time, taking pictures?
Well, if you are one of those who:
Other "standard" features included are:
What is this all about? If you are a professional photographer, you are probably on the road most of the time, taking pictures?
Well, if you are one of those who:
- do not want to maintain their own website
- do not want to pay for storing their pictures on the web
- do not want to deal with web host companies and freak ups
- do not want to start all over with their 'new' website promotions, etc.
- do not have time to look after the website
And - want to advertise their services to global audiance in picture description, etc.
- you will get your own section with ability to add unlimited categories and albums along with FTP upload access + plus a short guide in how to use FTP clients if you wish to obtain one
- A page on the website with your profile and background so people can recognize your work easily
- Contact for your specific needs!
- Its all free, never pay for anything!
Other "standard" features included are: has one of the webs largest categorized military galleries with almost 17,600+ pics. Don't end up in a bucket or in a shack, upload military pictures where they belong, DefenceTalk!+ FTP-access (available on request)
+ unlimited MB and unlimited files to upload
- hotlinking allowed for selected partner/friends sites only (let us know, it wll be added to friendlies)
- filesize limit 2000x2000 (file is auto-resized if it is larger, larger image size supported on request)
- upload in over 4500 organized categories from world military forces. You will find every single piece of hardware that militaries use. (some sections under going development)
- Files auto resized
- bbcodes auto-generated for you to use on forums
- upload 10 files at a time from web based upload page
- You are able to go back to pictures you uploaded in member galleries or category that you uploaded to...
- Video files support available
- Your uploaded files are never deleted
- Proper title of the picture is required
- Only Registered members can upload, registration is FREE.
In Addition to the above:
- Video/movie support for file sizes 50 MB and smaller, will go up to 100 MB in the future. FTP access available upon request.
- Video file types: .mpeg,.mpg,.avi,.asf,.wmv,.mov
- Large images are auto resized to 1600 x 1600
- HTML image codes generated for you to use on html pages and / or your blogs in addition to bbcodes.
- Ability to create your own albums within your "member" galleries in addition to hundreds of other categories available to you with PASSWORD protection(optional)
- Medium size (few KBs) image creation for faster browsing and preview purposes and still keeping the original file
- RSS Feeds
- Just moved to better server and faster connection to accomodate your needs!
- Free, never pay.
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