SAS and Spetsnaz

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New Member
I know that it has probaly done before but I need to know.
who is better SAS or Spetsnaz

who has better training or hand to hand? please give links




Banned Member
The two units are incomparable. The amount of money alone allocated to training the average SAS Trooper dwarfs that, which was invested on the average Spetsnaz operative. The Soviets have always gone for quantity not quality. The Spetsnaz were considered expendable shock troops designed to be dropped behind enemy lines to disrupt communications, attack nuclear sites, dock yards and airbases. Whilst better trained and equipped than the standard Russian conscript they where never expected to operate in small groups (4-man teams) for extended periods of time using their initiative to conduct complex operations to the same degree a SAS, Delta or DevGrp operative would.

You can also not compare the sophisticated level of support allocated to smaller Western tier one assets to that given to Spetsnaz on the ground by virtue of the fact that several hundreds of Spetsnazs teams would be deployed simultaneously to saturate an enemy’s supply chain, numbers alone resticted support available. The average Spetsnaz operation tended to be a fixed objective, briefed prior to departure with no flexibility built in and very little opportunity to communicate with higher command once the get-go was given. They certainly didn’t have access to the kind of support provided by external entities such as the NSA, GCHQ and in theatre ISTAR typically made available to Western units.
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