At what cost? If you have not noticed our nation is broke.
False. In debt does not equal broke.
Each missile cost more than an average home and the fighters themselves are at least three times as much as an A-10.
False. There have been no new procurement A-10s so there's no worthwhile baseline to compare against. Don't know what kind of "average" home you're talking about, but your typical Hellfire or APKWS is a lot cheaper than your "average home" unless you're including Afghan huts into you homebuying survey.
Plus they use three times as much fuel and need tanker support costing even more.
Eh, maybe. Can't be bothered to look. Doesn't matter if you take forever to get there, if you need to have a local airfield, can't survive in the battlespace, etc.
The men on the ground need air support when they need it not waiting around until a 30 year old F-16 or F-15s get into the air and on scene.
Umm...yeah. That's why the F-15s/F-16s are already in the air and orbiting. If anything, if I were a ground pounder, I'd be more interested in having more UAVs, so you could assign small UASs to direct control by small ground units. Also, Gremlin is an Army aviator. Read his point on the opinions of current JTACs. Look up what JTACs do.
Benghazi comes to mind plus the air support that never arrived to help that Navy Seal Unit.
What SEAL unit? Why the #### would A-10s have been on station at Benghazi? F-18s off a CVN would have been the quickest platform to get on station if getting aircraft overhead had been identified as a requirement.
Men die waiting for air support. That's the deal. An A-10 can stay on station for a long time. Not so with fast movers.
That's why we have things like drones, that can loiter far longer than any manned aircraft. Or aerial refueling. B-1s in Afghanistan loiter all freaking day.
The A-10 was developed after Viet Nam because it was needed then.
No, it was developed to defeat Soviet armor en masse. That wasn't really a problem in Vietnam.
Many a supersonic fighter was brought down by Russian missiles and anti aircraft guns along with noisy copters.
Umm...yeah. Again, things moved on. That's why they developed ARMs, PGMs, standoff weapons, etc. to operate out of the threat envelope.
A real war fought against Russia or China would not give us air superiority as we see now.
So your solution is to drop an aircraft completely unsuited to air to air combat or designed to penetrate/survive in a modern IADS? Care to explain that one?
Not sure why we'd operate the A-10 against either Russia or China either. Is Russia attacking NATO? Is China going to engage in a land war against any of our allies? Boy that would be dumb.
And besides we have not won a war since WW-II. And if it were not for mass bombing of German factories and cities plus a certain bomb over Japan we may have lost that war. Massive air power with all kinds of platforms win wars.
What? I literally don't even know where to start with this one.
The a-10 is just one of those tools.
Again...what? You're putting a Cold War era version of the P-47 in the same category as city bombing and nuclear weapons?
Remember to get that new high priced weapon we probably have to borrow money from China to build it and they are not our friends.
Realities of federal budgeting aside, the vast majority of the US debt is actually owed to the American people. But even if that were the case, you're saying they'd be loaning us the money to buy weapons to be used against them? Not sure what kind of point you're trying to make with that.